
About myself—

My name is Maureen Coleman, born in Syracuse, New York and raised just 25 minutes North in Central Square; where I am still living today. I did however, leave home to pursue an undergraduate degree for four years. And when I say leave home, I mean eleven hours and three states away. I attended High Point University in North Carolina and graduated magna cum laude honors with a B.S. in Interior Design back in 2018. It was definitely a wonderful experience to be able to see what life is like outside of my small hometown here in Central New York. But after graduation, I felt a pull to return home and alter my life path from designing interiors to teaching art. My first true love.

This website of mine takes you through the journey I have taken to arrive here, where I am today. It is important to share with you my background in interior design as it has informed my teaching philosophy more than I ever thought it would. Creating detained interior renderings, using critical thinking to solve problems, and absorbing brutally honest critiques, are all experiences I have been able to take and add to my “teaching tool-belt” as I like to call it.

Although I may not have started within the world of education like many of my fellow educators, I play it as one of my biggest strengths. I am adaptive, inquisitive, and a strong creative mind.