San Francisco Co-housing Project —

This co-housing project is centered around the construction of a housing community set in San Francisco, California. The design includes three separate housing pods on the property, two of which will consist of 8 total townhomes. The other pod will consist of 9 total. All three pods are positioned around a central garden that acts as a center of gravity for the outdoor space. The common house, a hub for communal dining, mail, recreation, and more is situated closest to the main street and acts as a security barrier for the inner community. Parking is pushed to outside of the property to keep the campus car free.

This project was seen through during my senior year of design school. I collaborated with two other colleagues to create this project and learned everything that comes with building a community through the concept of co-housing.


Site Plan Design—

It all begins with an idea. A plan. This is the arial site plan for the housing community—using resident numbers given to us as requirements to determine how many units were required. This plan was rendered using Prismacolor markers on design vellum.

Exterior Elevations — Drafted

front elevation-final.png

Front Elevation— Housing Pod 1

side elevation.png

Side Elevation— Corner Unit

Kitch-Townhome-COHO copy.jpg

Interior Rendering | Kitchen —

This project used REVIT software to build and produce renderings such as this one. Renderings provide the overall look of the space in a digital format, usually used in presenting to potential clients, in this case building developers and investors.

Project Responsibilities—

Since this project was executed in a group, responsibilities were divided and I chose to design the kitchen of each unit. I was eager to jump on this responsibility as kitchens are the heart of the home in most cases. I designed with nature, families, and functionality in mind. I had an absolute blast designing for this project and the experience of working on a design team is an invaluable tool to have in life.
